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Clinical Psychologist VDM Takeover

The Virtual Doctors' Mess talked to Emma Lishman - one of our NBT Staff Wellbeing Clinical Psychologists.

Name: Emma Lishman 

What is your role/job? 

I am a Clinical Psychologist, working in Staff Wellbeing specifically with junior doctors returning from a break in training/ practice. I lead a project that started in October 2019, which aims to promote confidence, well-being and psychological safety for trainees returning to work after a period of absence and to enhance the knowledge and skills of trainers to help them support trainees returning to work. Since Covid the project has been slightly side-lined and I am working more generally in staff wellbeing, as a team we are working on proactivity supporting staff during this time. I have been working with junior doctors either at NBT or via the deanery professional support units for over 8 years, it is a privilege to have heard so many doctors’ stories, it certainly seems a tough job at times.  

What advice do you have for Junior Doctors given the challenges we are facing in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic? 

I like the idea that resilience is between us not within us. I think at times like this it is so important we support each other, so not being shy of asking for help and also offering it to others. There is a lot of uncertainty and change so finding ‘your team’ is really important. It is important to remember (and I keep reminding myself) when we are feeling threatened, we are not the best version of ourselves and our capacities are reduced- so let us try and be kind to ourselves.  Although it is a challenging time there is a lot of opportunity. I have worked with so many new people, learnt new skills (especially a steep IT learning curve) and have made connections I hope will last long after Covid.

Favourite lockdown recipe or snack?

Cheese toasties - I’m all about the simple things whilst juggling work and home schooling! I am having ‘Hello Fresh’ delivered each week to take the stress out of deciding what to cook but also having nice meals.  

Favourite social distancing activity?

Waving at people whilst running. I love that everyone is far apart but also ‘get it’.  

What one book, TV programme or film would you recommend to Junior Drs?

I haven’t read a book for a while but I like ‘The Silent Patient’ by Alex Michaelides and ‘Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine’ by Gail Honeyman (both involve therapists- very stereo typical choices). But for total distraction and a jaw dropping experience it is Tiger King all the way. 

Any other comments or recommendations?

Things haven’t been as busy yet as was predicted so try and enjoy the time, rest, take breaks and try not to feel guilty about this (not easy I know). There is no right way to feel in this abnormal situation. I have felt sad, anxious, and at times frightened, however I have also felt excited, energised and hopeful.  I have loved spending extra time with my children but have also felt like pulling my hair out and moving out! So whatever goes…watch the ‘shoulds’ and ‘coulds’ they are not helpful. So my advice would be to talk honestly about your thoughts and feelings to colleagues, friends and family anyone that’s willing to listen! And most importantly make sure you are talking kindly to yourself.

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