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  • VirtualDrsMess

Cycling: In Lockdown and Beyond

Beth Williamson from the fantastic NBT TravelSmart team has written this piece for the VDM

There’s been a change across the city: traffic jams are a thing of the past, air quality has significantly improved and people are being urged to exercise daily to stay fit and healthy.

For many people, walking and cycling have become the first choice mode for getting from A to B; achieving their recommended daily exercise whilst being able to adhere to social distancing guidelines.

As COVID-19 has forced us to reassess the ways in which we choose to travel for our essential journeys, Bristol’s cycling community is supporting key workers who are opting to enjoy the benefits of cycling to work:

Picture 1: Photograph taken by Karen Evely - submitted as part of our Sustainable Travel Photography competition 2018

From purchasing a bike…

To giving your bike some TLC…

From planning your route:

· Better by Bike journey planner allows you to map the fastest or quietest route to work.

To arriving at work at NBT…

· Secure, staff access only cycle parking on site at NBT.

Remember to always be vigilant when parking your bike: Use a D-lock correctly by locking the wheel and bicycle frame to a cycle hoop.

· Dedicated change, shower and locker rooms.

· Emergency puncture repair kits, pumps and spare equipment (helmet, lock, lights subject to availability).

· Bicycle User Group (BUG) for keeping you up to date with news, events, giveaways and free monthly safety checks.

And when COVID-19 is no longer a risk to our community and the lockdown is lifted, the TravelSmart team will continue to offer support and advice for staff cycling to work.

So why not join Caroline and the other 19% of staff who cycle to work?

Contact us:

Twitter: @NBTSustHealth

Picture 2: Caroline R. outside the Brunel Cycle Centre after using the Loan Bike scheme. Call: 0117 4142576 (currently unavailable via phone)

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