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Gate 34a Virtual Mess Takeover!

Our Virtual Mess team talked to the Junior Doctors on 34a (adult short stay/general medicine). We asked each Junior Dr the following 5 questions...

Name: Alice

What have you been doing between August and now? Working as a Medical Clinical Fellow and as one of the Junior Doctor Wellbeing Fellows. I’ve spent some of my non-clinical days doing some Parkinson’s Disease research as part of a team based at the University of Bristol

What are you due to be doing from August 2020? GP Training in Bath

Favourite lockdown recipe or snack? American-style blueberry & banana pancakes...would recommend the BBC Good Food recipe!

Favourite social distancing activity? Cycling (road biking)...Going through Ashton Court and then over to Nailsea, Clevedon or Chew Valley Lake are all firm favourite routes

What one book, TV programme or film would you recommend to Junior Drs? Big Little Lies (TV series)

Name: Sadie

What is your role/job? Medical SHO

What are you due to be doing from August 2020? IMT

Favourite lockdown recipe or snack? Chocolate +++

Favourite social distancing activity? FaceTime gym workout

What one book, TV programme or film would you recommend to Junior Drs? Unorthodox on Netflix (but be prepared to cry)

Name: Ishtiaq

What is your role/job? Medical Clinical Fellow

What are you due to be doing from August 2020? Clinical Fellow

Favourite lockdown recipe or snack? Pasta or noodles

Favourite social distancing activity? Mobile/internet surfing

What one book, TV programme or film would you recommend to Junior Drs? Everybody Loves Raymond or Friends

Name: Sorcha

What is your role/job? GP trainee – I’ve taken this year out of training to undertake the Diploma of Tropical Medical and a masters on International Health: DPTPH/MSc IH. I’m currently locuming as a medical SHO at Southmead.

What are you due to be doing from August 2020? I was due to be working at a rural medicine hospital in South Africa from August and start a research project looking into HIV and mental health but have returned to support the NHS given the current Covid-19 crisis

Favourite lockdown recipe or snack? Mint choc chip ice cream

Favourite social distancing activity? Growing tomatoes or football training in a social distancing fashion with a member of my household

What one book, TV programme or film would you recommend to Junior Drs? Fleabag (TV series)

Name: Shelley

What is your role/job? Locum medical SHO

What are you due to be doing from August 2020? Not sure yet!

Favourite lockdown recipe or snack? Chocolate

Favourite social distancing activity? Killing zombies on Resident Evil

What one book, TV programme or film would you recommend to Junior Drs? Stranger Things (TV series on Netflix)

Name: Holly

What is your role/job? Locum medical SHO

What are you due to be doing from August 2020? To be decided!

Favourite lockdown recipe or snack? Anything I can find in my cupboard! Currently lots of bean stews and dahl

Favourite social distancing activity? Going for a run, the Bristol to a Bath cycle path is a great route

What one book, TV programme or film would you recommend to Junior Drs? Currently reading Born to Run, could not recommend enough! TV series, I’ve just started watching Cobra, gripping!

Ashton Court

A cake made for the 34a staff this week by a relative of one of our HCAs

Blueberry pancakes in the garden

Some of the beautiful NHS Rainbow drawings sent in by local children on display at Southmead

Are you a Junior Dr at Southmead Hospital? Contact us if your team are keen to take part in the next NBT Virtual Doctors' Mess takeover!

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