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  • VirtualDrsMess

Q&A with the RCPsych President Elect

Our Virtual Doctors' Mess team chatted to Dr Adrian James - consultant Forensic Psychiatrist and President Elect of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. We asked him what his top wellbeing-related tips would be for Junior Doctors in light of the current Covid-19 pandemic.

Name: Adrian James

What is your role/job?

Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist

President Elect , Royal College of Psychiatrists

What advice do you have for Junior Doctors given the current challenges we are all facing in the context of Covid-19?

Support each other. Check how those around you are doing. Buddy up. Meet together as a team at the beginning and end of a shift. Away from work don’t watch endless coverage of Covid.

Favourite lockdown recipe or snack?

Steak sarnie....Jamie Oliver...strips of steak cooked with rosemary & lemon, served in ciabatta with wholegrain mustard & rocket.....lovely jubbly

Favourite social distancing activity?

Cycling up one can get within 2m of me 😉 (actually I’m 2m behind😏)

What one book, TV programme or film would you recommend to Junior Drs?

Apollo 13. Real life up against it drama....hope and to turn things around when the odds are against you.......

Any other comments or recommendations?

This will all end. Covid is bringing the best out in should all be proud of all you are doing...the public really appreciate it. Try to use this as a opportunity to change things and hold on to the positive change when it’s all over. You will look back on this time as a game changing phase of your career. You will have played a key role in something quite remarkable. Thank you.

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